SEO for a wedding business

1) Make sure your blog is full of keywords your bride is searching for.

Philadelphia Photographer, Charlotte Wedding Planner, Georgia Destination Wedding Planner, etc. Put in any place you can on your home page, about page, your contact page, etc.

Make sure it is EVERYWHERE on your site.

2) Link local wedding vendors in a blog post.

You could do a blog post about the top 10 rustic wedding venues in your area. Then link all those venues in your blog post.

Also write only about the venue's that attract your ideal bride. Know a venue you would love to work at? Write about them.

Even better, get other local vendors to write about you on their blog.

3) Write about the BRIDE/CLIENT's problems in your blog posts not about YOU. 

This sounds crazy right but the client actually wants YOU to help.

Write about things that your client always ask you to help them with.

Do they ask you about what type of photography you do and what's the difference?

Do they ask you about what type of clothes, makeup, or to wear?

Do they ask you for how to pick out colors, decor, etc?

4) Use google business + local wedding vendor listings.

Google business is the best. Work from home? That's okay, you can still show up locally. Just pick your travel radius or if you search locally. 

Sign up here:

Utilize all free wedding listings. I found my very first bride by being listed on in the free NJ listing. 

5) You've got a Facebook page right? What you don't!? Utilize the address part and reviews! Facebook is your BFF in google search. 

P.S. Bonus: If you can have a client do a review on YouTube that it would be even better. YouTube has some amazing SEO.





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