Take this 1 Test to figure out what type of business to start

I don’t tell many people this but in college I switched my major 6 TIMES, yes 6 TIMES.

How embarrassing right? WRONG. I have no shame because guess what it’s a part of my personality!

If you haven’t taken this personality test yet you have to, it’s mandatory for building your business and your life.

It will finally become clear why you are the way you are in relationships, what job or career works best for you, and your strengths and weaknesses.

After taking the test I found out I was an ENFP. The great news is ENFP’s are great for entrepreneurship and consulting but I also find it difficult to focus. Hence the switching college major 6 times, I also find it difficult to do anything administrative like writing newsletters! AKA why you haven’t heard from me in a month.

What does all of this mean for you? If you worked in a career or in your business in a way that works for you your life would be 10 times better.

Now that I know I struggle with administrative tasks but I am on the right path helps me to make better choices and push myself to do the things where my personality is weak.

I’d love to see what you learn about yourself and what type of personality you are. Take this under 12 minute test and leave your personality type in the comments with what shocked you or comforted you.

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