How Chilling Out Helped me to Earn More Money


[ I’ve made money every day just by chilling the fuck out about money]

Guys for so long I stressed, doubted, worried and was scared of money.

Will I hit my goal? Will I make it?
Will my debt be here forever?
Why didn’t anybody buy that program?
What will my followers buy!?

Then one day I realized that stressing, worry, and fearing if I will hit my money goals was like the lamest thing I can do with my time.

I also realized that none of the above stuff was anywhere close to getting me to my goals and neither was doing 3 Facebook live's a day, one time I did that too, and I made below $500. Yes, sad.

So…. I did the only thing left to do.
I gave up. I said fuck it.
I’m just going to do what I want to do and not stress about money.
That doesn’t mean I didn’t check my bank account every day.
That doesn’t mean I didn’t track my money.

No, I still cared about money, I just stopped { fearing, worrying, doubting about it. }
So what did I do instead?

I wrote what I wanted to.
I said what I wanted to.
I created a program I wanted to.
I went and got my hair blown out.
I bought myself flowers.
[ Because I was in such a I don’t give a fuck about you money mood, I got some balls ] and I pitched something every day.
I read, watched movies, went for walks.

Every day I would check my email, another sale, another person signing up for a trip wire product, someone signing up for a program, payments for my membership programs.

If you want to work on your feelings toward money, and get more clients because of it, grab a copy of The Boss Bitch Money Journal below!

