How to: create your first $5,000 coaching package

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You’re ready, right now.

You don’t need more experience.

You don’t need more certifications.

People in your audience will pay that much.

You already have amazing results and testimonials.

I call BULLSHIT on all of your excuses on why you can’t read this post and sell a $5,000 package tomorrow.

Here’s your hint that you’re ready to create a high level package: YOU’RE READING THIS POST RIGHT NOW!

When you’re thinking about crafting a coaching package, I want you to focus on transformation.

Do you remember getting a massive transformation from:

  • a $99 program?

  • A $200 program?

  • Maybe even a $500 program?

Now do you remember

  • a $2K program?

  • a $5K program?

  • or a $997 program?


Because there is a difference in the way people show up for a program where there is A LOT OF SKIN in the game.

But more importantly than your client making a serious financial investment, this is about how much time and energy you’re going to be putting into the client.

Which will be.. A LOT.

My favorite example is when I’m coaching people on pricing their packages, I tell them that clients will literally rent out space in your head.

You’ll be thinking about the client when you’re at the playground with your kids, when your taking a shower, or when your cooking dinner.

They’ll just be renting out this space in your head and you’ll be thinking about how you can help them get to where they want to be. If you’re anything like me, there’s not a lot of space up there, haha. Most of it is taken up by all your life things, but now you’re offering it to this person.

In addition to the real estate this person is taking, it’s important to acknowledge all the time, energy, and resources you are devoting to this person. You will be supporting them, creating for them, and listening to them.

Just like they’re seriously investing in you, you are seriously investing them.

IF you want to serve, if you want to transform people, not just help them or keep them comfortable, you have to a high end program.


What to include in your $5,000 package:

1) Your process + Your client

This is a big thing that’s over looked by coaches but this is the thing that will help you take your big blob of knowledge and form into something that is sellable. This is called your process. Your process are the steps your clients needs in order to get results.

Whether you want to become a life coach or a health coach or a business coach, this will apply to you.

Think about anybody who runs a program, there’s usually a step by step process they put you through to get you results or think of a course you’ve taken, it involves you go through lesson 1, lesson 2, lesson 3, etc.

That’s because the person who created the program or course knows that in order for you to get results you need to go through these things in that sequential order.

For me setting up my process is very easy because I put myself through it, in order for myself to have a business that was simple and made me money easy while not hustling or burning out while making a lot of money.

When I’m thinking of my process, I think of what I needed to do in order to get from point a to point b.

  • Point a: I was stressed, hustling, and burning out for every dollar I made and I was still broke!

  • Point b: I was making $10K+ months easy and simple for myself and not feeling stressed about money or hustling

    Let’s break down your process:

    Point A: Where is your current client right now? What do they need to do in order to set the foundation for a successful future with you?

    In my $10,000 package, my clients are running online businesses, they’ve made some money but they constantly feel stressed and exhausted about money. They want to find a way to create a 6 figure business that is simple and fulfilling.

  • Your package has to speak to your client at the point she’s at, you don’t want clients coming in at all different stages of your process, you want someone is at a specific point with what you help them with.

    SPECIFIC details will really help here. The more specific I know where my client is the better it will be.

    For example: my $10,000 clients are also moms that will be at the playground with their kids and instead of spending time with them, they’re checking their email or Facebook, constantly stressing and worrying about making their next dollar.

    Point B: Where does your client want to be?

  • Here is also where you want to be REALLY SPECIFIC, this will help when you’re creating your process. Again, you can use yourself as an example.

  • For example: if you’re a health coach helping people lose weight, be specific about what that result will look like.

  • Are you helping brand new moms lose the last 20 pounds of pregnancy weight without having to count calories all day?

  • Are you helping people with thyroid conditions lose weight without having to give up sweets?

Your process:

What are the 3-5 major things your client needs to do in order to go from point a to point b?

Part 1 of my process: I have to start with their money mindset. Clients that come into my my coaching are looking to make more money without the burnt out and become financially free, but they’re still struggling with lots of negative thoughts around money and beliefs that aren’t helping them.

In order for us to make more money in a less stressful way we first have to change how their currently thinking about money.

2) Don’t stuff the turkey

A program should not be about you trying to stuff the program full of things like (PDF’s, bonus sessions, 24/7 support).

This package is not about YOU, it’s about the client that needs the transformation you’re offering.

This is not about your ego, it is about the client who needs your work.

Think of this person that needs the coaching work you’re offering and what does that person TRULY need?


When I created my first $5,000 then $10,000 program I only put the things that my client needed.

I didn’t try to be EVERYTHING to my clients because that’s not what would get them the results they needed.

My coaching package was focused on getting my clients to create a high end program and sell it or launch it with them, all in the easiest ways for them.

My package included teaching them mindset, content, and selling. The only goal I had with them was to create a high end program and sell it. My focus wasn’t to do everything for them, it was 1 specific goal.

In that program I only included things that would support that goal and I had high boundaries around their support.

I noticed the more support I sometimes gave, that it made it harder for the client to grow, because they just became dependent upon me for answers instead of allowing the client to figure it out for themselves.

Sit down tonight with a pen and paper, brain dump what your client REALLY needs to get transformation, not to walk away with information.

  • Do they need mindset work before taking action?

  • Do they need to know how to count calories first?

  • What would be too much for you to offer?

Think about what you needed if/when you were in that place before.

As always, keeping things super SIMPLE is the best way for a client to get results.


3) Create a program longer than 6 weeks

This one is my personal opinion so please take it as guidance not a rule, but I’ve offered shorter programs before and I’ve noticed in order for people to start to change, they need to work with you longer than 6 weeks.

My clients do get quick changes, rapidly and fast, but I know that in order for them to work through all the bumps that are going to come from coaching, they need longer than 6 weeks.

For your $5,000 package you get to choose how long you think people need to get that transformation that you’re offering.

My sweet spot was 4 months.

I felt at 90 days my clients really started to get the hang of it, they made more money with their business, and we were able to address any hiccups that came along the way. That extra month gave us time together to wrap things up and address any future issues that could have come up.


Here's the truth: If you have any following, whether that's 100 or 2000 subscribers, or 100 or 1000 likes on your Facebook page... YOU ALREADY HAVE HIGH-END CLIENTS IN YOUR AUDIENCE.

I’ve unlocked 4 types of posts that sign high end clients. I’m showing you in this training and PDF how to book $10K clients with a couple Facebook posts.

In this FREE step-by-step guide + video training, you'll discover:

  • How to find and attract high-end clients.

  • How to stand out, get people to read your post, and take action.

  • The exact wording of posts that attract $10K clients. 

  • How to keep people's attention and inspire engagement.

  • My secret to building trust quickly through my content (I haven't done a discovery call in months!)  

content that converts free book.png

The next question you’re going to ask is:

HOW do I sell this $5,000 package though Shannon?

The question is not HOW, the how is the easy part, and I will get to that.

When you’re selling your first high end package or your first $5,000 package focus on WHO YOU NEED TO BECOME not WHAT YOU NEED TO DO.

Journal these questions out:

  • WHO do I need to become to start selling higher end programs and packages?

  • What do I need to believe + know about yourself in order to sell higher end programs?

  • What do I have to let go of to sell a high end program?

  • How can I make myself feel so freaking worthy of a high end client?

When you can get your mind behind why you can easily sell high end packages, why you are so freaking worthy, and why having higher end packages is of more SERVICE to people, then you don’t need a HUGE to do list.

Again, keep this simple!


If you’re ready to see exactly step by step what you need to do to:

  • craft your first high end package

  • market it

  • and book it out

Join Undercharging to Unstoppable for 50% off

All you need to succeed in this course is:

  • a Facebook profile

  • An Instagram profile

I’ll show you step by step how to create, market, and book out your first high end package.

But don’t take my word for it, check out what others have to say here.

I already know what you’re thinking…”Nobody will buy this $5,000 package Shannon!”

I know, your audience would never buy that.


I’m here to tell you.. that you don’t need to add anybody to your list or your following, there are $5,000 clients in your audience RIGHT NOW.

  • My client made $33,000 this month, she has 2,000 email subscribers

  • Another student had 300 people apply for her program and not a single person followed her on Facebook

  • My client made $15,000 with a brand new coaching business with 150 likes on her Facebook page

Here’s 3 marketing strategy tips to sell your $5,000 package:

1) Market with specifics

When you’re marketing this brand new package, you want your client to think that you are literally spying on them.

You want to be so specific in calling them out that they can’t turn away from your posts or emails.


Example of not being specific:

  • I’ll help you lose weight for the new year!

  • I’ll help you hit 6 figures

  • I’ll help you feel better about your life and relationships

But like… are you talking to me?

Examples of being SUPER SPECIFIC:

  • I’ll help you restructure your business to hit 6 figures so you can spend more time with your children instead of looking at your phone

  • I’ll teach you how to lose weight without cutting out the cupcakes even if you have thyroid disease

  • I’ll show you how to communicate with your partner without nagging and you’ll still feel loved and heard

When you know the specific things that this client needs, infuse that into your marketing, like you’re talking to them.

You can say things like:

  • The last time you took a picture you were holding your kid in front of you to hide your body. You’re worried about how you’re going to lose that last 10 pounds and finally have the energy to keep up with them.

    Or you can speak to the results:

  • You wake up tomorrow and it’s the day you finally fit into those jeans you’ve been saving since we started working together. Today is the day you feel good in your clothes and proudly show off your hard work.

  • Will they finally not have panic attacks when they open their credit card statements?

  • Will they finally walk into a room and feel good about how they look in a dress?

  • What will they walk away from your $5,000 package feeling and use that to market spots in your program.

Don’t be afraid to not talk to everyone, you’re not supposed to, your package is designed to help a specific person and your marketing filters out everyone else who isn’t a good fit for your package.

2) Own your awesomeness

Let everyone just how bad ass you truly are. This is not a time to try to downplay how amazing you are.

This is a time to own the results you have given people and SHARE THE SHIT OUT OF THEM!

This is a time to celebrate yourself and the wonderful things you’ve done through your own coaching.

A lot of us downplay or don’t want to attract too much attention, but this is the time when you let the world know.. hey you’re freaking awesome.

I remember not really celebrating or even owning the time I sold my first business (you can read that about here)

I was always trying to downplay my achievements, because I didn’t want to make others uncomfortable, but downplaying those achievements also lead me to undercharge for my coaching packages.

I never thought what I did was good enough to charge a lot of money, but it was. I had great testimonials and results once I started to share them.

I helped several women:

  • have a 6 figure year in their photography business

  • sell multiple $3,000 packages

  • and even had a client that had a $25,000 month

But I was still charging $997 for my work, thinking that it wasn’t enough. DUH, of course it was.


3) Give, give, give

When people are putting a chunk of money down and it involves working with another person. They want to know if they are going to vibe with that person, if that person understands them.

You want that too!

The best way to sort that out and see if you two would be a good match working together, is to give a lot of content away and do it being who you truly are.

One of my favorite ways to enroll clients was to host a Facebook Live challenge. That way people could see what my personality is like and they could learn more about my process, what I believed, and what I taught.

Your giving doesn’t have to be through Facebook Live, it can be any medium that you like to use.. blogging, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, whatever!

The point is to let people know who you are and to show them what your process looks like.

Don’t ever be afraid to give “too much” especially when it comes to coaching. People who sign up for coaching arent’ signing up for knowledge.

They’re signing up for connection, someone to hold them to a higher standard, and to think differently.

BONUS! 3 money mindset hacks to sell this package:

(These were all the things I had to do in addition to marketing. Trust me, if this is your first time selling a high end package, the money mindset work here is the MOST IMPORTANT of all the work.)

1) Your own worthiness


Get behind the ideas that: you can do this, that you are worthy, because of course you are!

That is all the WORK you really need to do. Your to do list should be.. GET BEHIND MY PRICES. Completely and utterly and totally convince yourself that you are worthy of $5,000 clients, that $5,000 isn’t a big deal, that OF COURSE you can receive $5,000 for your work.

Truly, I start with this one because it’s the BIGGEST one of all. Honestly this is all you really need to sell a $5,000 package.

I know how scary it can seem to sell a package worth $5,000, maybe right now you think there’s no FREAKING WAY you could sell your work for this much. But just trust me, trust this random girl on the internet, that HELL YES YOU CAN.

2) Only talk to people who are ready for transformation NOW. Don’t worry about people who aren’t.

When you’re ready to sell your package ( you’re ready to sell your package TOMORROW).

You show up ONLY talking to people who are ready for transformation NOW, not the one’s that are waiting or who even have objections, forget anybody else that can’t afford you, forget any of that, speak to the woman who is like I need this girls work NOW.

That means not trying to convince people that they need to work with you. You don’t need to do that. You never need to convince people.

People are looking for solutions to their problems, when you solve them, they’ll easily seek you out.

3) Confidence + belief + faith

Have these 3 things will change everything.

When you’re not seeing anything happen or no one has reached out to you about your package.



Lots of my clients never commented on a single video or post.

Trust me, KEEP. GOING.


I choose to know if I can get my mind behind it, show up as the bad ass coach that I am, it WILL SELL.

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I do not have to complicate it.

  • You do not have to complicate money

  • You do not have to struggle for money

  • Release the old pattern of struggling for money

  • Start a new story.


Want to see what I give my $10,000 clients?

You get to look at this vault that’s only accessible to my $10,000 clients.

I’ve created the $10,000 client vault + 5 figure Facebook Live Bundle.

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In this bundle you’ll be getting:

  • 2 pre-recorded trainings

  • 1 work book to map out your live challenge 

  • BONUS: 10 titles for your Facebook live: swipe copy

  • Swipe copy: 2 worksheets

  • The 5 figure Launch journal

  • $10,000 client vault library

What this means is you’ll see what’s in my $10,000 client library! Yes all the documents and worksheets + videos I give to my $10,000 clients.

For the next 3 days I'm giving you a 50% off discount but this discount expires

I love the idea of opening up this to you, so you can see that my client vault is anything crazy and that you don’t need a perfect program or perfect PDF’s to start getting $10,000 clients massive transformations right now.

The $10,000 vault includes:

facebook live bundle.png
  • 2 training videos: How to attract high end clients with your content + How to book out your 1:1 program

  • 30 social media prompts to attract high end clients PDF

  • Create your high end lead system (with examples of a lead system) PDF

  • Mindset Re-boot Adventure (this is a fun thing to practice when you're feeling kinda shitty about your business + want that spark back again) PDF

  • How to sign high end clients through Messenger (a lesson from Undercharging to Unstoppable) PDF

  • Alignment in your business / Cut the fat out of your business and find the
    THING you truly want to sell that will make you BIG BUCKS PDF (this worksheet alone has made my clients create programs in a week that went on to hit their first $30K month)

  • Worthiness + Messaging PDF (removing any money blocks that make you feel NOT worthy of making the money you want + unapologetic-ally showing up how you want to in your business)

  • Your daily to do list for consistent income PDF

  • ​​​​​​​Removing your sales FEAR PDF

Originally the bundle is $49 but you can get it for $24.50 for the next 3 days.

use promo code: blogsale


How to have your first $13K month in your coaching business


Step by step: How to attract high end clients to your online business