Step by step: How to attract high end clients to your online business

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Your nice girl is showing and she’s leaving you broke.

In this post I’m covering why you want to quit every couple months and how to fix that.

How to create a Facebook post or content that converts into $10K clients or 300 applications for your program or a $23K month.

Welcome to the laziest $13K month challenge, we are on day 3 and I’m covering 2 TOPICS. So strap in, get your coffee, and grab that journal, because we are going DEEP today.

(You can find day 1 here and day 2 here)

  1. Let’s talk about that moment or day or week or month when you want to step back from your business, when you want to shut the whole shit down because it’s not working.

    You’re in debt, no one is clicking on your stuff, you just finished launching another low end program and maybe made $1,000, and you start to open up the indeed tab to search for jobs, because this shit is NOT WORKING.

Now maybe you have already established your why, you want to make a financial contribution to your family, or you want to be at home with your children, or you wanted to make money doing something you love traveling the world.

^ THAT will not get you through those moments.

Your purpose has to be bigger than you and you have to understand + get real corny with it, like REAL CORNY.

I remember watching some people and being like… “omg you’re not making that much of an impact on the world”, seriously, like used to roll my eyes kinda stuff AND NOOOWWW that I got over my immature ass, you know what I realized……

fuck yeah those women are making an impact, fuck yeah they are changing lives, this whole industry even if you think it’s a bull shit, or a scam or whatever, it has completely and totally changed hundreds of thousands of womens lives, we are now doing something completely and totally different from what was available to our parents, and we have created this thing all on our own.

Now my deep mission + message that has kept me going on days when nobody buys my shit, or clicks on my post, or when I only have 3 people signed up for my group coaching call..

Is that women need to make more money in this world, and IF I show them how, I can help impact just the small pocket, but more than that, when I help my clients make more money..

The money doesn’t stop in their pockets, it ripples throughout the world.

Think about it: my client who goes on to make more money in her business, she goes on to hire virtual assistant, a graphic designer, another female team member, and then think about where else that money goes, it goes on to pay for dinner at mom and pop restaurant in town, that restaurant then pays it’s cooks, who get to use their paycheck to keep on the lights on in their home, I mena just think about what really happens when we as women create more money in this world. It is scientificaclly proven that women spend more on their communities than men.

Because I know that^ because that is my WHY, when I have those moments of fuck this shit, crying on the floor, frustrated crying to my husband, I remember that, and I keep going.

You need yours.

Why are you doing this?

What is the point?

Make it bigger than you, it has to have IMPACT and it probably has to be CORNY.

NOWWWWW that we have something within us that we are so FREAKING  passionate about it.

it’s time talk about your nice girl, who’s leaving me bored, and you broke.

  1. I want you to take a second right now to scroll through your Facebook feed or a Facebook group, is there any posts that catch your attention?

  2. The posts that do, the people you love to follow, what are they doing different than everybody else?

  3. Ill tell you.. They’re being vulnerable, they’re sharing stuff that is HARD to share.

  4. They are not teaching things but they are sharing stories, lessons, and saying things that PEOPLE NEED TO HEAR

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Want to know how to write a post that converts?

  1. What does your ideal audience need to hear that you’re afraid to say?

  2. Where are you holding back from telling the FULL story?

  3. Grab the PDF over there to learn how to structure the post, the mindset work, and the images to include to attract high level clients

High end clients don’t pay for my knowledge, because guys there is literally only so much business knowledge before it starts to repeat, high end clients pay me because of the immediate trust that I establish with them, they already know me just from a couple Facebook posts, they know my story, they know everything, I hide nothing.

High end clients don’t pay for my knowledge, because guys there is literally only so much business knowledge before it starts to repeat, high end clients pay me because of the immediate trust that I establish with them, they already know me just from a couple Facebook posts, they know my story, they know everything, I hide nothing.

Hiding, appearing perfect will get people feeling like aghhh I don’t know.. I’m not sure if I fully know her…

My highest converting post: is a post about a fight I had with my mom and that story touched so many people AND it also got haters, OH YES people told me I Was a bitch, I was ungrateful, but for everyone 1 of those, I got woman who said thank you for opening up about that struggle, because I have it too, because I was scared to put boundaries in relationships or with my parents.

Step by step how to craft a vulnerable high client converting post >>

THE LAZY WAY: is to show up be vulnerable, put it into a Facebook post and tell people to message you,

No funnels, no webinars, just do the mentally hard work everyone wants to avoid

The Laziest $13K month challenge (2).png

How to: create your first $5,000 coaching package


How to have faith in your business when you have $0!