4 reasons you’re not making more money

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Like Michael Scott said:

“Business is always personal. It’s the most personal thing you can do.”

Honestly, I’ve never hear of anything more true. Yes, Michael Scott gives great business advice.

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This is a personal post, this is not about adding more to your to do list or add more to your marketing list. This list is going to be super personal.

The best part about it? You don’t have to do more things today in order to create more income like tomorrow. These are much more personal steps you can take today to change and create more income.

Your business can only make as much as you allow it to.

HINT: YOU HAVE TO CHANGE, not your business or business action IT'S YOU who has to do the CHANGING.

I could remember the day when this hit me. I kept taking programs on how to build my business and I noticed that they all started to repeat. They all taught marketing, sales, mindset, rinsed and repeated all over, scattered in with Facebook ad training, funnel training's etc.

Basically all the programs repeated the same stuff again and again. No program had a quick fix or a magic solution. I started to get that. It all became clear: work on your mindset, market, and sell a program.

But 1 thing that they didn’t address was…

Why couldn’t I bring myself to do a Facebook live, record a Youtube video, or launch a program?

I knew by the 2nd or 3rd course that I knew what I needed to do but I wasn’t doing it!?

I found that these courses never addressed who I am as a person.

Let's imagine.. you take one of those, it will teach about a strategy that person did to get to where there are but not really address YOU as a person just your business.

You take the program and as you check the boxes...but nothing. You’re doing the things they told you to but not seeing the results.. how could this be?

Your business has the same money mindset blocks, the same subconscious fears, AS YOU and more importantly it means you cant just try to check off boxes and cross your fingers.

You start putting into place all the pieces, doing the lives, writing the posts, creating the content calendar, planning out how you're going to grow your email list, etc.

Following all the steps in the program.. but nothing has changed. Not your bank account. Not your clients.

Why? Because you're still YOU.

Trust me, there are reasons.

There are 4 good reasons why you’re not making more money or seeing results from your business after you’ve been doing everything.

Let’s dive in:

Reason #1: You’re worried about making people uncomfortable if you make too much money (like your friends or parents).

So while you're creating the perfect post with the great picture, you have subconscious whispers of making too much money would make your dad uncomfortable.

While you're reading your affirmations, you remember the time that friend mocked you for wanting to retire your spouse when you told them.

What if you did make way more than your parents ever made? Or what if you make so much more money now you make your friends uncomfortable? This is something that seems like it’s not a big deal ,maybe it hasn’t even crossed your mind yet.

This is 1 major reason I see a lot of women hold themselves back when it comes to making more money.

  • It’s this simple idea that if you have more than others, than you’re taking from them.

  • Or it also has to do with the idea that thousands of years ago we lived in groups and needed our groups to survive, if we were shunned from them that could mean death

  • Or just the idea that none of us like to leave behind relationships or people that we’ve spent so much time with.

There’s plenty of reasons why you wouldn’t want to have more than others. We all know even bringing up the topic of money makes people uncomfortable, so imagine your business starts pulling in big money.

You’re able to do things or buy things you weren’t able to do before, now your friends and family are noticing that. That might feel awkward to you, because most of us socialize in circles where we are at the same income.

Studies have even proven that most of us will earn around the same as our parents (recently it’s been found that we will earn LESS than our parents).

Take an inventory this week of how much your friends and family make and how you’re making and you’ll notice yourself making around the same amount of money.


Reason #2: You’re the same person who doesn't look at their money but wants to make more.

Have you ever neglected a habit or a relationship? You’ll typically find that relationship or habit isn’t growing.

For example: You want to lose weight but you’re not going to the gym or eating better.

Your money is the same thing. You want to make more money but don’t want to put in the work to build your relationship with money, like creating new habits with money, creating new thoughts, or creating new beliefs.

You’re taking programs to make you more money but you don’t even want to address money. How will that ever work!?

I even know what you’re saying your head.. but Shannon when I make more money, I’ll start working on my relationship to money when I make more money. I don’t have any money to “manage” right now.

Here’s why this will hold you back from making more money:

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When I did my first leap in income (it was this month here where I made $32,227 in 1 month) I did it because I already knew where my money was going and where I wanted it to go.

AKA I was already budgeting my money, when I didn’t have “enough".” But this helped me so much when it came to being able to pay off debt when I had that big month.

Instead of mismanaging my money, I already knew how much I needed and where the rest of it was going to go (you can read more about how I paid off $9,500 of debt in 1 month here).

Here’s my favorite budgeting tool with a 34 day free trial:

Affiliate link included

Affiliate link included

Here’s an example of how to use you need a budget with your business:

If you want to watch a video about how to budget a salary, you can watch it here.

If you want to watch a video about how to budget a salary, you can watch it here.

Reason #3: You don’t stand for anything but you want people to invest with you.

I find this to be the sneakiest reason for a lot of people. Making more money involves you standing for something or even standing up for yourself.

This may sound strange but stick with me, making more money involves you sticking up for something.

It means finding a stand for your business. This is your message, this is your mission (mine is money mindset and financial management is what will make business women wealthy). Make sure you know what you’re stand is.

What matters in your business? Are you screaming it from the rooftops? What do you truly believe that people need in order to do have x, y, or z?

Standing for your business also means standing for yourself. If you’re anything like me, I was always a little afraid to take a stand. I hated making other people uncomfortable. I hated disagreeing with people and a lot of times I felt like my opinion didn’t matter.

It didn’t help me when I was trying to sell my packages.

When other women were scared to invest in my packages, instead of walking them through their fear and figuring out what they really wanted, I would instead take their fear as a rejection and give up on them.

What I didn’t know was that because I didn’t have that stand within myself I couldn’t help someone else find their stand too.

Working on my money mindset, finding my stand in my business, also lead me to standing up for myself in my personal life as well. I found a voice that I didn’t know I had or that I didn’t use. I used it to stand for myself

Reason #4: You don’t talk about your business to other people

You’re scared if you start a new business or side hustle that people will make fun of you or judge you.

You’re scared if you talk about your business people will laugh at you.

You’re scared to talk about your business because no one will get it, so why bother?

This is a big red flag for your money mindset.

You want this thing to make more money but you don’t even want to tell people about it!?

You want this thing to support a team of people and pay you lots of money but you don’t even want to tell your mom about it!?

Who is going to know about your business if you’re not telling people?

That’s called marketing and you’re going to need it.

Plus.. hello! If you’re excited and passionate about something, don’t you want to share it with everyone? Yes of course!

This is a super exciting time, you have finally decided to do something BIG and to go for something, you deserve to celebrate that.

It would be like if your friend got a promotion or a new job, of course they want to share it with you! The same thing for you.

Your family and friends want to celebrate you and if they don’t, that’s fine too, celebrate with people who do get it!

Here’s how this might all play out for you:

  • you’re checking off boxes on your to do list (like post on social media)

  • you’re selling programs

  • you’re marketing yourself

    but nothing is converting?

Here’s how your money mindset is tricking you:

  • you’re posting on social media but you’re holding back because you fear what others will think of you

  • you’re selling programs but not really selling them like you need to because you’re too entrenched of fear about not making your bills that month.

  • You focus on changing the action of your business but you don't focus on what is going through your head as you keep taking action.

You keep moving forward. checking off the boxes, while you still remain YOU.
You can keep checking off your to do list while shoving your feelings + insecurities down and not seeing your income move OR

you can take the lazy way out which is:

  • work on your money shit

  • fix your relationships

  • stand in your power

  • focus on your vision for your business

  • get your emotion / energy behind this offer and then leap in income.

Like my client who said nobody buys her $2K stuff.. they won't buy her $5K mastermind.. she sold 4 seats.

Like my client who said nobody even buys her $200 package.. they won't buy her $5K package.. they did.

Like my client who got over 300 applications within 24 hours of creating her new program and made $3K in 24 hours.

Like my other client who 4 weeks ago didn't have a $5K package.. now she does and she's made $8K already for the month of October.

What I did with my clients to create these magical results?

I worked on all of these issues above and addressed the things that are stopping them from making more money!

Grab your free 44 page journal down below all about addressing your money blocks

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If you thought answering these questions was fun, grab this free 44 page journal with a lot more of those.

In this 44 page journaling book learn how to uncover money blocks, beliefs, or habits that are stopping you from making bank in your business + life

  • Discover what beliefs you have about money that are holding you back. 

  • Grab the questions that improved my income by $13K in 2 months 

  • Learn what is the aligned action for you to go next level

  • Break through your limiting beliefs around why you're not making the BANK you want 

  • Learn how I raised my prices by $8K and STILL booked clients



5 toxic money habits to quit in your biz


How to make $80,000 your first year as a coach