Wealth and financial strategy for high level female entrepreneurs

Your financial personalized plan to pay off debt, save money, and invest. 

Teaching and done for you hybrid with:

  • financial plans,

  • projected goal dates, and

  • the support you need to not only become wealthy but understand what your money is doing and why. 

I see you.

You’re incredible at what you do.

You can make $10K, $20K, or $50K months.

You create programs that you love and you have fun in your business.

One problem… when do you have to stop hustling for the next sale?

I was in the same place, when I got pregnant.

Launching programs, filling them, easily on my way to 6 figures, enjoying my time with my business, and then pregnancy took over my body and brain.

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I had to get off the launch rollercoaster and I had to figure out how my business was going to survive without me creating, marketing, and selling whenever I wanted.

That’s when I got really scrappy with my money.

I always budgeted and tracked my money but consistently relied on “making more".

I always thought the solution to feeling financially free with money was to….


But that couldn’t be more far from the truth.

True financial freedom was something else.

It was the freedom I had been looking for all along.

  • It’s feeling safe because you have 6 months of savings.

  • It’s living 1-2 months ahead of your bills, knowing next month is already taken care of and you don’t have to try to get another client.

  • It’s the security of knowing HOW you can make your money work for you and not that you’re constantly working for money.

That is TRUE financial freedom.


I’m talking about the things the coaching industry never talks about.

Things like:

  • saving

  • debt

  • profit

  • getting in control of your expenses

During our 4 months together you will learn:

  • how to set up your business to create more income

  • use your business to pay off debt

  • create a 3 month savings account for your business

  • live 1 month ahead of your expenses in your business

  • and create your personalized path to wealth with your business.

But Shannon.. I literally can’t save money.

Oh hi! I’ve been terrible at saving my whole life, I could save for like big major things: moving, buying a home, a car.. BUT saving just to have 6 months of expenses for a rainy time? TERRRIBBBLLLEEEE.

I promise you, I will show you how to break that cycle and keep your money.

Apply now


Month 1: Set your Money Meter to RICH

In this first month together we’re setting up your money meter.

We’ll declutter any bullshit around making the amount of money you want and we’re getting clear on your bank account.

We’re going to lay out a clear picture of:

  • how much money you’re REALLY making (it might be more than you think)

  • how much money you actually have (it’s probably more than you think)

  • how much money you have going out (it’s probably more than you think)

But we’re going to get conscious about your SPENDING and about your money making abilities.

We’re going to set you a RICH foundation.

A foundation that shows you what you’re capable of and shows you how to get conscious about your money habits.

Month 1: Set your Money Meter to RICH

  1. Bubble up bitch

  2. Drama Cleanse

  3. MonErgy

  4. Bad Ass Budgeting

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Month 2: Make your debt your bitch

Debt isn’t cute and it’s expensive and it feels shameful.

There’s no amount of debt that I could ever be shocked at, I promise.

Whatever debt you have, we’re going to take that bitch dooowwwwnnnn.

I’m going to show you how you can pay down your debt with your business but more importantly than that we’ll be talking about taking debt off the pedestal.

I’ll show you how to stop letting debt feel like it’s running the show and your life.

We’ll do exercises so you can release the pressure of paying off your debt right now.

In month 2 we’re also going to be diving into relationship talk.

Relationships are the fundamental reason women don’t make more money, fear making more money, or why they don’t manage finances.

We’re going to take a deep dive into the relationships that you would like to look at and release any fear about making more money or managing your money.

Month 2: Debt

  1. Debt Shame

  2. Money <3 Pleasure

  3. Create more time + money with your business

  4. Safety with money STARTS HERE


Month 3: Your money machine

Month three is all about diving into your streams of revenue.

We’ll be taking a deep dive into your money machine AKA yo business.

Let’s clean it up and S-I-M-P-L-I-F-Y.

Simplifying your business is the number way to go to start making more money.

We’ll assess your finances and clean out any money suckers.

In this month we’ll start taking a clear picture of your business finances and assess what is the next big money maker for you.

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Month 3: Create more money + Your Wealth Path

  1. Money Check in


  3. Consistently RICH

  4. Allow that money HONEY


Month 4: Managing Money + Wealth Path

Becoming a millionaire in net worth is so different than making a whole bunch of money in your business.

When I hit the first million, the next $300,000 came so much more rapidly, because my money was working for me, I wasn’t working to make that $300,000.

Investments, know them, love them, seriously.

That’s what we’re going to be discussing in the last month of our time together.


Do you have it invested so it will make you money?

We’ll talk about what they can look like for you.

  • YNAB management

  • Your personalized wealth path

  • Money HIIT


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You want personal financial planning with the input of a business coach

  • You struggle understanding what to pay yourself

  • You find business and personal funds and expenses are not well defined

  • You need help budgeting around a variable income

  • Your business is growing but your personal finances are stagnant or in trouble

  • You don't know how to pay off your business debt without a big launch

  • You're wondering how to stop your business from being a money hungry bitch

  • You want to know how to pay off your personal debt using your business

How does this work?

  • 4 month duration

  • Voxer coaching: Monday-Thursday 10am-5pm EST

  • Money Therapy (2x a month over Zoom)

  • An annual subscription to You Need a Budget

  • Pre-recorded educational videos on each topic

  • Access to REFORMation (my signature money mindset course)

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Questions? Send em here.