In my apartment I had this window, it opened but the screen was bent and the window sill was falling apart.

That’s how it was for a good 5 years, it worked but it could have been better. In some weird, sad, funny way this window as a reflection of how I was acting in my business and with my body.

My business worked but it wasn’t up to its true potential. I exercised but I didn’t push myself to sweat.

This year, I decided though there was no more.

There’s no more half-assing my potential.

Here’s what I did:


·         I fixed the window and repainted the window sill 

·         I fixed the bathroom door that closed but didn’t lock

·         I repainted the walls and fixed the leaking sky light

·         I got a new work desk; that I actually work at

In my business:

·         I raised my floral design prices

·         I’ve already surpassed my revenue from the last wedding season

·         I’m projected to double my sales

·         I booked a client with a $10k budget

How did fixing my apartment help me up level my business?

It was all in the mind baby. Once you change your mind to not settle for the broken window, it oozes into your business and says you won’t settle for broken systems or clients either.

Is there something in your life that’s reflecting settling or broken and it’s showing up in your business?

Leave a comment below.



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