20 Get RICH affirmations + free printable

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You’re here, you’re ready, it is your TIME to change your relationship to money.

If you’re anything like me, your relationship to money has not been cute.

The idea of even trying to make more money or pay down debt or just start tracking your money, is terrifying.

You probably don’t want to:

  • open your credit card statement,

  • look at how much you spent this month on food, or

  • think about how you can make more money when you feel stretched thin as it is.

I promise, that changing your relationship to money will change your life. It will give you that relief of going to bed at night not trying to calculate your expenses and seeing if you have enough.

It will relieve you of checking your bank account every time you want to buy something.

It will empower you to make big financial decisions and not tune out anytime someone starts talking about investing or the APR on your credit card.

I know right now it feels like what money Shannon? I have no problems because I have none!

Ha, I loved that place too because I just felt powerless to money. I felt like there was no way I could change my relationship to money because what relationship? I had none. It was never around.

The best place to start with changing your feelings around money is to start by changing your thoughts and beliefs.

We can start by changing the way you feel about money by programming new thoughts, your current thoughts might kinda be meehhh right now.

Think about it this way:

Your thoughts = your emotions = your actions

We can start that by using affirmations, post these free get rich affirmations any place you’ll see them frequently.

In this printable (no opt in needed) I've created 2 different color versions of these get rich affirmations: one for the really colorful girl and one for the girl who is more of an all black outfit type of girl.

Here's what you can do with this free printable: (no opt in needed to grab them!)

  • Print them out and hang them in your office or some place you're going to see them every day

  • Print it out and read them everyday

  • OR keep them on your computer and turn them into a screen saver

Here's a sneak peak of what they look like:

affirmation sneak peak.png
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affirmation 14.png

Now maybe you're a die hard affirmation person who is already grabbing this free printable OR

Maybe you're not sure how well this affirmation type of stuff works.

Here's really what affirmations are:

It's redirecting your brain to focus on the things you want to achieve instead of focusing on the things that aren't going so well right now

which your brain might do a lot... also it's 2020.. focusing is especially hard now a days.

Instead of waking up every morning telling yourself things like:

  • “I’ll always be poor”

  • “I’m terrible with money”

  • “I hate money!”

(These were things I used to tell myself about money and obviously all of these statements were then reflected back to me in my actions with money)

Now you’ll be able to tell yourself things like:

  • “I love money!”

  • “My debt will be paid off”

  • “My bank account is always over 5 figures”

  • “I will be a millionaire by 40”

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Before you grab these and think all of your money problems will be solved, that’s not exactly how affirmations work, but what they do is they influence your actions.

That way instead of telling yourself:

Negative thought about money = negative feelings about money= negative actions taken toward money

You’ll be all like:

positive thought about money = positive feelings about money = positive action towards money

On my long journey with money, I started with:

  • $75,000 in debt (combination of student loans and credit card debt)

  • Lots of jobs were dead ends and paid no more than $35,000 annually

  • I owned no assets (no car, rented an apartment, no savings)

and I felt that getting ahead was so freaking hard.

Since going on my money journey within 2 years:

  • I now own almost a million dollars in assets (properties and investments and savings) by the time I was 33!

  • I paid off 85% off my debt

  • and I’m on my way to financial independence and retiring early!

My journey with money started with changing what was possible for me and then from there of course I took action like:

  1. creating more money (starting businesses and side hustles)

  2. budgeting my money (finding out my true expenses and how much money I needed to create)

  3. finding my values with my money (what I wanted to spend my money on and what didn’t feel good)

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If you’re ready to start creating more money (and you own an online business) watch this training here where I show you how to create $10K months even with a small audience:

Grab this free financial blue print and recorded video training on how to figure out YOUR business can make $10K consistent months with a small audience.

Find out how I did it with an email list of 630 people!


OR if you’re interested in getting your entrepreneur journey started, I suggest starting an Etsy shop. Etsy was my first entrepreneur journey and they made it so easy. I didn’t have to worry about building up my social media or building a huge following before getting started. It’s not only for product based businesses anymore, if you offer digital services or digital products, you can get started on Etsy TOODDAYYYYY.

 You've been told by friends and families that you should start an Etsy shop. This should be simple, right?


You start looking into making an Etsy shop and realize, wait, this is a business. It's a little intimidating, you need a logo, now you have to take professional photos, and figure out shipping!


In addition to your overwhelming to do list you start getting all these weird fears that stall you. "Who would buy my stuff anyways?" "Do I need a business degree?" "What if I fail at this?"


I'll show you how to banish those fears and set up an Etsy shop in 2 WEEKS.

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AND:A 20 page work book with questions and activities to follow along with each lessonThe Art of storytelling guide by Ashley LaShea of www.ashleylashea.com an expert in writing Etsy product descriptions that sell.Private facebook support group to s…


A 20 page work book with questions and activities to follow along with each lesson

The Art of storytelling guide by Ashley LaShea of www.ashleylashea.com an expert in writing Etsy product descriptions that sell.

Private facebook support group to share your struggles and wins for the week

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How to budget a salary in your business (your accountant doesn't do this for you!)


Income goals don’t matter..Here’s 1 thing that does